Honeysuckle Oyster Farm grows delicious, succulent oysters in the fresh, pure waters of Katama Bay on Martha’s Vineyard.


The Farm

Honeysuckle Oyster Farm was established in 2011 by owner and farmer Nic Turner of Edgartown, MA. HOF is located in Katama Bay, which draws its nutrient–rich waters from the Nantucket Sound as well as the Atlantic Ocean due to a breach along the southern barrier beach.


HOF strives to be an environmentally responsible operation. From the use of a tidal-powered upweller nursery (designed by local farmer Jack Blake) to wind-powered farm equipment to more environmentally friendly packaging HOF is committed to working as a conscientious part of Katama Bay and its surroundings.


Here is HOF’s upweller – the first stop the oyster seed makes after its arrival to the island. The upweller design allows nutrient-rich water, as the tide rises and falls, to be focused up through mesh enclosed bins containing thousands of oysters. The tide is a dependable and free source of energy that HOF is grateful to utilize!


A small-scale wind turbine captures the wind’s energy and powers two important pieces of equipment on the farm: the tumbler and the sorter. 


HOF chooses to use a 100% recyclable wax alternative box to package their oysters. By packaging oysters cup side down in boxes, HOF oysters retain their delicious juices; meaning a fresher, tastier oyster on your plate!